All essential TypeScript types in one place ๐ค
npm install --save-dev ts-essentials
๐ We require typescript>=3.7
. If you're looking for support for older TS versions use ts-essentials@3
(for 3.6>=)
or ts-essentials@2
instead. If you use any functions you should add ts-essentials
to your dependencies
(npm install --save ts-essentials
) to avoid runtime errors in production.
What's inside?
type matching all primitive values.noop
function that takes any arguments and returns nothing, as a placeholder for e.g. callbacks.
keywords: map
const stringDict: Dictionary<string> = {
a: "A",
b: "B",
const dictOfNumbers: Dictionary<string, number> = {
420: "four twenty",
1337: "HAX",
export type DummyOptions = "open" | "closed" | "unknown";
const dictFromUnionType: Dictionary<number, DummyOptions> = {
closed: 1,
open: 2,
unknown: 3,
type stringDictValues = DictionaryValues<typeof stringDict>;
const safeDict: SafeDictionary<number> = {};
const value: number | undefined = safeDict["foo"];
type ConfigKeys = "LOGLEVEL" | "PORT" | "DEBUG";
const configSafeDict: SafeDictionary<number, ConfigKeys> = {
const maybePort: number | undefined = configSafeDict["PORT"];
const configDict: Dictionary<number, ConfigKeys> = {
PORT: 8080,
const port: number = configDict["PORT"];
Deep* wrapper types
- DeepPartial
- DeepRequired
- DeepReadonly
- DeepNonNullable
- DeepNullable
- DeepUndefinable
keywords: recursive, nested, optional
type ComplexObject = {
simple: number;
nested: {
a: string;
array: [{ bar: number }];
type ComplexObjectPartial = DeepPartial<ComplexObject>;
const samplePartial: ComplexObjectPartial = {
nested: {
array: [{}],
type ComplexObjectAgain = DeepRequired<ComplexObjectPartial>;
const sampleRequired: ComplexObjectAgain = {
simple: 5,
nested: {
a: "test",
array: [{ bar: 1 }],
type ComplexObjectReadonly = DeepReadonly<ComplexObject>;
type ComplexNullableObject = {
simple: number | null | undefined;
nested: {
a: string | null | undefined;
array: [{ bar: number | null | undefined }] | null | undefined;
type ComplexObjectNonNullable = DeepNonNullable<ComplexNullableObject>;
const sampleNonNullable: ComplexObjectNonNullable = {
simple: 5,
nested: {
a: "test",
array: [{ bar: null }],
type ComplexObjectNullable = DeepNullable<ComplexObject>;
const sampleDeepNullable1: ComplexObjectNullable = {
simple: null,
nested: {
a: null,
array: [{ bar: null }],
const sampleDeepNullable2: ComplexObjectNullable = {
simple: 1,
nested: {
array: [null],
declare function tryGet(name: string): string | undefined;
type ComplexObjectUndefinable = DeepUndefinable<ComplexObject>;
const sampleDeepUndefinable1: ComplexObjectUndefinable = {
simple: undefined,
nested: {
a: tryGet("a-value"),
array: [{ bar: tryGet("bar-value") }],
const sampleDeepUndefinable2: ComplexObjectUndefinable = {
nested: {
array: [[{ bar: undefined }]],
Make all attributes of object writable.
type Foo = {
readonly a: number;
readonly b: string;
const foo: Foo = { a: 1, b: "b" };
(foo as Writable<typeof foo>).a = 42;
type Foo = {
readonly foo: string;
bar: {
readonly x: number;
const test: DeepWritable<Foo> = [
foo: "a",
bar: {
x: 5,
test[0].foo = "b";
test[0].bar.x = 2;
keywords: builder
A combination of both DeepWritable
and DeepPartial
. This type allows building an object step-by-step by assigning
values to its attributes in multiple statements.
interface ReadonlyObject
extends Readonly<{
simple: number;
nested: Readonly<{
a: string;
array: ReadonlyArray<Readonly<{ bar: number }>>;
}> {}
const buildable: Buildable<ReadonlyObject> = {};
buildable.simple = 7;
buildable.nested = {};
buildable.nested.a = "test";
buildable.nested.array = [];
buildable.nested.array.push({ bar: 1 });
const finished = buildable as ReadonlyObject;
Our version of Omit
is renamed to StrictOmit
in v3
, since the builtin Omit
has become part of TypeScript 3.5
Usage is similar to the builtin version, but checks the filter type more strictly.
type ComplexObject = {
simple: number;
nested: {
a: string;
array: [{ bar: number }];
type SimplifiedComplexObject = StrictOmit<ComplexObject, "nested">;
type SimplifiedComplexObject = StrictOmit<ComplexObject, "nested" | "simple">;
Comparison between Omit
and StrictOmit
Following the code above, we can compare the behavior of Omit
and StrictOmit
type SimplifiedComplexObjectWithStrictOmit = StrictOmit<ComplexObject, "nested" | "simple" | "nonexistent">;
type SimplifiedComplexObjectWithOmit = Omit<ComplexObject, "nested" | "simple" | "nonexistent">;
As is shown in the example, StrictOmit
ensures that no extra key is specified in the filter.
Recursively omit deep properties according to key names.
Here is the Teacher
interface Teacher {
name: string;
gender: string;
students: { name: string; score: number }[];
Now suppose you want to omit gender
property of Teacher
, and score
property of students
. You can achieve this
with a simple type filter.
In the filter, the properties to be omitted completely should be defined as never
. For the properties you want to
partially omit, you should recursively define the sub-properties to be omitted.
type TeacherSimple = DeepOmit<
gender: never;
students: {
score: never;
works fine with Array
s and Set
s. When applied to a Map
, the filter is only applied to its value.- If there exists any property in the filter which is not in the original type, an error will occur.
keywords: filter, props
Removes all properties extending type P
in type T
. NOTE: it works opposite to filtering.
interface Example {
log(): void;
version: string;
type ExampleWithoutMethods = OmitProperties<Example, Function>;
type ExampleWithoutMethods = OmitProperties<Example, Function | string>;
Pick only properties extending type P
in type T
interface Example {
log(): void;
version: string;
versionNumber: number;
type ExampleOnlyMethods = PickProperties<Example, Function>;
type ExampleOnlyMethodsAndString = PickProperties<Example, Function | string>;
Useful for purifying object types. It improves intellisense but also allows for extracting keys satisfying a conditional
type GetDefined<TypesMap extends { [key: string]: any }> = keyof NonNever<
{ [T in keyof TypesMap]: TypesMap[T] extends undefined ? never : TypesMap[T] }
Useful for accepting only objects with keys, great after a filter like OmitProperties or PickProperties.
type NumberDictionary<T> = NonEmptyObject<PickProperties<T, number>>;
type SomeObject = NumberDictionary<{ a: number; b: string }>;
type EmptyObject = NumberDictionary<{}>;
keywords: override
type Foo = {
a: number;
b: string;
type Bar = {
b: number;
const xyz: Merge<Foo, Bar> = { a: 4, b: 2 };
Useful when you're sure some optional properties will be set. A real life example: when selecting an object with its
related entities from an ORM.
class User {
id: number;
posts?: Post[];
photos?: Photo[];
type UserWithPosts = MarkRequired<User, "posts">;
async function getUserWithPosts(id: number): Promise<UserWithPosts> {
return userRepo.findOneOrFail({ id }, { relations: ["posts"] }) as Promise<UserWithPosts>;
Useful when you want to make some properties optional without creating a separate type.
interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
password: string;
type UserWithoutPassword = MarkOptional<User, "password">;
Gets keys of an object which are readonly.
type T = {
readonly a: number;
b: string;
type Result = ReadonlyKeys<T>;
Gets keys of an object which are writable.
type T = {
readonly a: number;
b: string;
type Result = WritableKeys<T>;
Gets keys of an object which are optional.
type T = {
a: number;
b?: string;
c: string | undefined;
d?: string;
type Result = OptionalKeys<T>;
Gets keys of an object which are required.
type T = {
a: number;
b?: string;
c: string | undefined;
d?: string;
type Result = RequiredKeys<T>;
Gets keys of properties of given type in object type.
type T = {
a: number;
b?: string;
c: string | undefined;
d: string;
type Result1 = PickKeys<T, string>;
type Result2 = PickKeys<T, string | undefined>;
Useful for converting mapped types with function values to intersection type (so in this case - overloaded function).
type Foo = {
bar: string;
xyz: number;
type Fn = UnionToIntersection<{ [K in keyof Foo]: (type: K, arg: Foo[K]) => any }[keyof Foo]>;
Opaque types
Opaque types allow you to create unique type that can't be assigned to base type by accident. Good examples of opaque
types include:
- JWTs or other tokens - these are special kinds of string used for authorization purposes. If your app uses multiple
types of tokens each should be a separate opaque type to avoid confusion.
- specific currencies - amount of different currencies shouldn't be mixed
- bitcoin address - special kind of string
It's critical to understand that each token (second argument to Opaque
) has to be unique across your codebase.
We encourage you to leverage a pattern where you have single function to validate base type and create opaque type.
type PositiveNumber = Opaque<number, "PositiveNumber">;
function makePositiveNumber(n: number): PositiveNumber {
if (n <= 0) {
throw new Error(`Value ${n} is not positive !`);
return (n as any) as PositiveNumber;
type NegativeNumber = Opaque<number, "NegativeNumber">;
function makeNegativeNumber(n: number): NegativeNumber {
if (n >= 0) {
throw new Error(`Value ${n} is not negative !`);
return (n as any) as NegativeNumber;
let a = makePositiveNumber(5);
let b = makeNegativeNumber(-10);
a = b;
Tuple constraint
function foo<T extends Tuple>(tuple: T): T {
return tuple;
const ret = foo(["s", 1]);
You can also parametrize Tuple
type with a type argument to constraint it to certain types, i.e.
Tuple<string | number>
Exhaustive switch cases
function actOnDummyOptions(options: DummyOptions): string {
switch (options) {
case "open":
return "it's open!";
case "closed":
return "it's closed";
case "unknown":
return "i have no idea";
throw new UnreachableCaseError(options);
ValueOf type
const obj = {
id: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
name: "Test object",
timestamp: 1548768231486,
type objKeys = ValueOf<typeof obj>;
ElementOf type
const array = [1, 2, true, false];
type arrayElement = ElementOf<typeof array>;
AsyncOrSync type
Useful as a return type in interfaces or abstract classes with missing implementation
interface CiProvider {
getSHA(): AsyncOrSync<string>;
getSHA(): Promise<string> | string;
class Circle implements CiProvider {
getSHA() {
return "abc";
class Travis implements CiProvider {
async getSHA() {
return "def";
Awaited type
Unwrap promised type:
keywords: constructor, class
Type useful when working with classes (not their instances).
class TestCls {
constructor(arg1: string) {}
const t1: Newable<any> = TestCls;
keywords: invariant
Simple runtime assertion that narrows involved types using
assertion functions.
Note: This function is not purely type level and leaves minimal runtime trace in generated code.
const something: string | undefined = "abc" as any;
assert(something, "Something has to be defined!");
const anything = "abc" as any;
assert(anything instanceof String, "anything has to be a string!");
keywords: same, equals, equality
Checks if TYPE
is exactly the same as SHAPE
, if yes than TYPE
is returned otherwise never
type ABC = { a: number; b: number; c: number }
type BC = { b: number; c: number }
type C = { c: number }
Exact<ABC, C>
Exact<C, C>
Gets the XOR (Exclusive-OR) type which could make 2 types exclude each other.
type A = { a: string };
type B = { a: number; b: boolean };
type C = { c: number };
let A_XOR_B: XOR<A, B>;
let A_XOR_C: XOR<A, C>;
A_XOR_B = { a: 0 };
A_XOR_B = { b: true };
A_XOR_B = { a: "", b: true };
A_XOR_C = { a: "", c: 0 };
A_XOR_B = { a: 0, b: true };
A_XOR_B = { a: "" };
A_XOR_C = { c: 0 };
Functional type essentials
& Tail
: useful for functional programming, or as building blocks for more complex functional types.
function tail<T extends any[]>(array: T): Tail<T> {
return array.slice(1) as Tail<T>;
type FirstParameter<FnT extends (...args: any) => any> = FnT extends (...args: infer ArgsT) => any
? Head<ArgsT>
: never;
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification.
Contributions of any kind welcome! Read more